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Friday, February 22, 2013

Michael Bay Is Raping My Childhood Again

Just heard some news, Megan Fox is going to be playing the role of April O’neil in the Michael Bay abortion of your childhood called Ninja Turtles. That is right folks, Megan Fox, the slow motion queen of the Transformer movies. Can I be the first to say that if Michael Bay remakes an X-Men movie I call for REVOLUTION!!!

What the hell!! First you kill Jazz in Transformers, then you destroy the awesomeness that is Devastator in the second and the last movie was so lack luster it was amazing. Now your going to go after the Ninja Turtles. I challenge you Michael Bay, make a better movie than the original. With all its flaws the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie was way better than any of the Transformers movies.

I think at this point Michael Bay should be brought up on charges for being a pedophile because he’s raping all of our childhoods. I don’t understand what is so hard about keeping to the original storyline. Is it because you didn’t come up with it? I’ve got news for you Mr. Bay, your imagination sucks! The transformation in Transformers was cool but that movie seems like it was made by somebody that hated all of the characters. Let me tell you something Mr. Bay, the Ninja Turtles were born in the time of the self published comic book, the originals were black and white but the characters were so great that they just struck a chord with the children and the child inside of us and you, Mr. Bay, smeared your mind feces all over all of my favorite childhood heroes. Now you want to taint this one.

To be fair I’m gonna watch this movie and more than likely really enjoy it because I’m not one of those people that are critical of every little thing in a movie. I even like movies that suck (that might be why I own the first 2 Transformers movies). As a fan I would just like a little respect, like with Batman or the first few Superman movies (not the last one, I tried to like it but not so much). Or hey maybe even the X-men movies, the third was good but not as great. There are a ton of movies that were treated with respect but if you want another example of a movie that can be destroyed by the lead female, Green Lantern. Jessica Alba almost destroyed Fantastic Four, whats her face from the Spider-Man movies….. Kristen Dunst (I had to look it up). Watchmen was almost perfect (I can do without the cock and balls next time), Rebecca Romijn was perfect as Mystique, Halle Berry was awesome as Storm.

I could go on and on but the point is that it can be done right…… SO DO IT RIGHT MICHAEL BAY!!!!!

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