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Be Funny

Thursday, September 22, 2011

How To Tell A Joke

Telling a joke is easy, its math. 1+1=2 what that means is you need a premise, set up and then punch line.

All you need to know is what all those things mean and then you will be on your way to telling funny jokes all the time. First a premise is just the basic idea of the joke kind of like a subject. For example yo momma is so fat…… the premise to any of these jokes obviously yo momma being fat and how fat yo momma is.

Next is the set up. The set up is much like misdirection in magic. Like the previous example yo momma is so fat……. This is the entire set up before you get to the end. The set up sets up the audience to expect to go one way right before you go another. If done correctly a set up should be invisible and just sound like a story. In my opinion the set up should always be as short as possible and if it drags too long you can lose the laugh.

Last but not least is the punch line. The punch line is the is the sex of the joke, its what all the dates are for. The punch line is why the audience should laugh. The reason the curve ball is so successful in baseball is because it is structured like a joke. The batter sees the ball coming down straight and at the last second the ball curves off and the batter strikes out. The punch line is the where the joke curves off unexpectedly and the result is the laugh.

If the punch line is the sex that would make the laugh the orgasm. There is no good joke that doesn’t at some point get a laugh. A joke without a laugh is just a thought that should be forgotten. The whole reason for being for a joke is the laugh. Keep writing until you get a laugh.

Guy goes to the proctologist. Proctologist says, “I’m sorry but you have a growth that I’m really worried about” guy says, “that’s my nose, get your fingers out of my mouth”

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