Its that time again, time for a drawing lesson- Drawing A Simple Cartoon Character Using Circles. I really enjoy drawing and If I haven’t said it before I’ll say it right now, ANYONE CAN LEARN TO DRAW!! I know this because there are basically 2 types of thinking brains in this world, the artistic and the analytical, everything falls in between. Drawing can be completely artistic or completely analytical. But if you have never done it in your life then I see how it can be intimidating, especially after seeing the cartoons on tv or the comics in the paper all your life. Let me assure you I am not a great artist by any stretch of the imagination, I just have loved drawing since I was a kid and as an adult have fallen in love with it all over again. The only difference is now I want to share my love with the world and give people the opportunity to fall in love with their own creative side as well. With that being said lets get to it.
Draw your cartoon character in just a few easy steps:
1. Draw a circle….. Boom, its that simple!
2. Now you’re going to draw 3 circles stacked on top of each other in a straight vertical line.
2.1. Draw a line horizontally through the bottom circle to cut it in half, we will only be using the bottom half.
3. Next, the top circle is going to be the head so you’re going to add eyes, eyebrows, a nose, a mouth, and a small curved line for the chin.
3.1. The 2nd circle is going to be the body so for the purpose of this cartoon we will use a wide bean shape for the body. (as a side note you can vary the bean shape to make a fat short or even a tall and more slender character)
3.2. The bottom half circle is going to be where the legs and feet are. You can make the legs and feet any way you would like…. The way I have demonstrated in the picture is just my favorite quick way to draw them.
4. Then you will be drawing ears and hair on the top circle. To connect the 1st and 2nd circle draw a line on the left and right side towards the bottom of the 1st and top of the 2nd to be the neck. A curved line at the bottom of the neck lines will be the collar of the shirt.
4.1. On the 2nd circle you will draw an arm coming out of a sleeve of the shirt. This can also be drawn anyway you would like but the way I have drawn is just a simple quick way with the 4 finger typical cartoon hand. Due to the direction the body is pointing is why you cannot totally see the other arm, if you notice I have only drawn the top with the body in the way.
The final step is just to erase all the unnecessary lines that come from the original 2 ½ circles and there you have your first simple cartoon drawn from 3 circles.
P.S.- There will be future posts going into more detail about each body part and then it will be on to more complex characters. If you have any suggestions or request for drawing lessons leave a comment and I will do my best to get it done. (just so you know I would like Thursdays to be the new drawing lessons day)
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