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Smelly Finger Tshirts
Be Funny

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Internet Junky Itch

Study in china shows that internet addicts suffer from withdrawal symptoms similar to those of a drug addict. That’s right you heard me like a drug addict, time to grab your laptop or ipad and a box of condoms and start cruising the not so hot spots or wait for an internet black out. Once they start getting that junkie itch…. You’re so in.

The effects of the “comedown” are very similar to what people experienced when coming down from ecstasy. These of course are from the obsessive users of the internet (not me of course I can quit at anytime). This is almost crazy if it didn’t make so much sense. I used to work in the computer lab at my local library. Those people got real crazy when you would take away their internet, which just happened to be my favorite part of the job. Usually when you put a group of like minded individuals together they will become a community, not in the case of the internet user. Maybe its because using the internet has become such a personal thing when people invade our space during “alone time” we tend to get angry, kinda like driving a car. I think we should name this change of mood or withdrawal “bored rage.”

My question is what the hell are you doing on the internet that you’re like a drug addict. I mean I can understand spending a whole day on the net out of boredom or weird searches but all the time. You can only watch so many cat videos and read status updates and tweets before you just start getting really bored and begin hating everyone you know for not having more interesting lives. Sometimes it seems like I’m the only one that gets on the computer and daydreams for a few minutes while staring at the screen before I realize I have nothing to do on the computer.

Its because of this that we should be thanking cyber bullies. Thanks to cyber bullies there are a ton of kids that are never going to have this problem (I’m obviously not talking about the ones that get truly traumatized because we all know something was gonna get em). As much as we hate cyber bullies they are just nature/evolutions way of dealing with certain problems. For every drug addict there is a person that had to deal with them and will never do drugs because of them. Cyber bullies arent a handful of butt holes, I mean they are, they are just curing you of your ridiculous obsession with the internet. See who says a small penis and an internet connection are useless, thanks cyber bullies.


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