It finally happened and crazy has taken over Utah…. If you don’t count the whole starting your own religion, multiple wives, and knocking on everyones door until they go crazy. It seems the things children do can be in the news.
Here’s what happened, a 13 year old girl cut the hair of a 3 year old girl with dollar store scissors (so she’s mean and poor). To top it off this same 13 year old got in trouble for harassing a girl in Colorado over the phone.
The first thing I have to say is “Why the hell is this in the news!” Now that I got that off my chest, lets discuss this issue. If you live in Colorado and someone in Utah is harassing you, it better be because they have a car. Your getting harassed over the phone so much that you have to bring the law into it? Do you know how phones work? Cant you block the number or at the very least hang up? I can just see this girl with her phone on speaker and curled up on the floor in her room crying while insults hurl through the room. Or maybe the bullying came through Facebook because that’s where the tough people are hanging out these days. Facebook is the nemesis of all who are a little awkward on the internet.
Here’s a tip (that you should never ever actually do) for people getting bullied on Facebook- If there is someone getting on you really hard go to their facebook page and find their friends, pick one create a new profile with their name so this person can friend you. Then get their email address and bombard every inbox of this persons you can get with porn….. Problem solved.
I just thought I would share something that I found funny. More on how to solve your Bully problems later.
Source- Associated Press
um im mormon and that wasnt a very nice thing tio blog about. Its ok if ur not mormon, but you shouldnt be telling everyone this. Please keep your feelings about our church to yourself. Thank-you.